GIZ team visit CoPS Enugu

The Centre of Practical Skills Enugu had the honour to receive Rachael Schipper, Stephen Agwu, Kai Ratcliffe from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Friday, April 14, 2023. The purpose of the visit was to see the students learning and discuss the practice of training activities in the...

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This week on STEP @CoPS. Week of 19/04/2023

The entrepreneur’s journey is not a sprint but a marathon with intermittent pauses that allow the entrepreneur to refuel and refire. Interestingly, this module is designed to provide a conducive opportunity for the STEP trainees to conduct a reality check on the progress of their micro-businesses vis-a-vis their short...

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CoPS teachers study tour to VTTC Enugu

It was a thought-provoking experience exploring Oruaka Dinma Vocational and technical training centre, Coal Camp Enugu on a study tour and perspectives on best practices that can be applicable to the Centre of Practical Skills The study tour was organized by ICMPD Enugu between July and August 2023 and...

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Centre of Practical Skills (CoPS) successfully rolled-out out its Training of Trainers (ToT) in Plumbing, Masonry and Electrical Installation.

From Mid-June to the end of September 2022, the Centre of Practical Skills (CoPS) successfully rolled-out out its Training of Trainers (ToT) in Plumbing, Masonry and Electrical Installation.  International experts were engaged to train, mentor and support the Nigerian experts in their respective job profiles. In total, fourteen (14)...

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Head of Region, ICMPD West Africa visits CoPS

On 11th March 2023, the Head of Region, ICMPD West Africa – Ms Mojisola Sodeinde visited the Centre of Practical Skills(CoPS) Enugu in the company of the Regional Resource Manager, Mr Nelson Amade. She met with the ICMPD Enugu team, and project partners and interact with the teachers and...

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This week on STEP @CoPS. Week of 12/04/2023

Sessions Five and Six (Managing Finances I and II) are very important aspects of any business. It is the oxygen that enables a business to survive. It is also very important for the development of businesses and it helps an entrepreneur to organize and evaluate his or her business...

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